Kemptville District Hospital Data Contribution Report

Please note: Only electronic reports are being contributed at this time. KDHT carefully considered of the options and risks related to scanned document file size and has decided to de-scope contribution of scanned reports. KDHT is investigating implementation of electronic charting modules in the fall and will then look for eHealth Ontario guidance and testing support to ensure the discrete data can be successfully contributed. Not all ED reports will be contributed to the CDR (to be coordinated by the eHealth Ontario NER team with Product team).

Patient Demographics
All electronically available demographic information, including contact information, next of kin, and so on as applicable to a given patient
100% Electronic format
Visit/Encounter details
Timing, clinician assignment, reason for visit, and other key encounter details for:
Please note that Kemptville District Hospital (KDHT) is missing data in the following fields in this portlet:
  1. Reason for visit is not displaying at this time.
  2. KDHT uses the same Visit ID for all recurring visits. This results in only one visit being displayed on the ConnectingOntario timeline as well as the visit encounter portlet. However, all reports are available in the portlets so no data is missing. Users are advised to check the portlets for the information.
100% electronic format
Documents and notes
  • Discharge summaries
  • Consultations (numerous sub-categories, including mental health)
  • Progress notes (categorized by specialty)
  • Operative reports
  • Histories and physicals
  • Admission reports and assessments
  • Emergency department reports (triage assessment, ED consults)
  • Administrative forms and letters
100% Electronic format
Other Results (All tab)
Note: As a result of Release 10 of the ClinicalViewer, changes may have occurred in the types of diagnostic imaging reports appearing in this portlet. DI reports contributed to the Acute and Community Clinical Data Repository (acCDR) display here only if they are not contributed to Diagnostic Imaging Common Service (DI CS). Updating of the list below will occur in the coming months.

Displays reports for diagnostic tests that do not appear in the Lab and Pathology or Diagnostic Imaging. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Respiratory reports (also includes sleep studies)
  • Neurophysiology reports (EEG)
100% Electronic format
Other Results (Cardiology tab)
Note: As a result of Release 10 of the ClinicalViewer, changes may have occurred in the types of diagnostic imaging reports appearing in this portlet.

It is advised to review both the Cardiology tab and the Diagnostic Imaging portlet when reviewing or searching for cardiology results (e.g. angiograms and echocardiograms may display in either portlet).

Cardiac diagnostics includes, but is not limited to:
  • Cardiology ECG Waveform
  • Holter monitor study
100% Electronic format
Diagnostic imaging
The Diagnostic Imaging portlet displays diagnostic imaging reports and images from the Diagnostic Imaging Common Service (DI CS) provincial repository. Details on the information this organization submits to DI CS are listed here: DI Common Service Data contributors. Reports which are not contributed to DI CS but are contributed to the Acute and Community Clinical Data Repository (acCDR) display in the Other Results portlet.
100% Electronic format
See 'OLIS - Data Contributors' for a list of all organizations submitting information to OLIS.