

As a foundational EHR service, the Provincial Provider Registry supports health care provider identification in clinical viewers.

Includes demographics such as name, address(es), contact information, and identifiers such as College License Number and license status (e.g. Inactive) for 92% of regulated providers in Ontario.

Includes information from Physicians, Nurses, Midwives, Dietitians, Pharmacists, Dental Surgeons, Psychologists, Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists, and Massage Therapists.

Supports multiple health care interface standards to query (HL7 V3) or receive updates from the registry (HL7 V2).

Supports searches for health care provider information by name, license number, profession, etc.


  • Supports identification and remediation of source data quality issues impacting provider management (e.g. duplicates, overlays)
  • Provides access to current provincial provider information for validation (e.g. license status)
  • Supports keeping local provider dictionaries current
  • Reduces time spent manually updating provider information within local provider dictionaries
  • Reduces costs by decreasing correspondence between providers regarding administrative details

Access Channels

Authorized health care providers can access PPR through clinical viewers including:

Hospital Information System (HIS)

Authorized health care providers can access the PPR directly via their hospital information systems (HIS), where the HIS systems have directly integrated with PPR.

Technical Prerequisites

  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificates; enables mutual authentication between the adopter and eHealth Ontario and secure transfer of data via supporting protocols

Non-Technical Prerequisites

  • PPR onboarding (requirements, technical design, and conformance testing)  
  • Legal agreements
  • Privacy and security assessments

Ready to Get Started?

Complete the online form to submit your request.

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