
Information Available to Health Care Providers

Over 7 years of information about publicly funded drugs dispensed in Ontario.

Over 5 years of information about all monitored drugs (narcotics and controlled substances), regardless of payor, when the approved identification used was a valid Ontario Health Number.

For drug information, providers can view the dispensed date, name, strength, dosage form, quantity and estimated days’ supply of the drugs which have been dispensed to a patient. In addition, prescriber and pharmacy information is displayed.

Over 7 years of information about publicly funded pharmacy services that have been delivered to an individual (e.g. MedsCheck Program medication reviews, Pharmacist administration of vaccines, Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Program services, Naloxone kits provided through the Ontario Naloxone Program for Pharmacies).

Providers can view the service date, a description of the service and the pharmacy information. In some instances, prescriber information will be available, which may be the name of the pharmacist that provided the pharmacy service.


  • Enhanced patient experience with the health care system since care will be provided by better informed health care providers.
  • Improved patient-centered care by providing authorized health care providers secure electronic access to a patient’s drug and pharmacy service information, allowing them more time for diagnosing, treating and communicating with the patient.
  • Improved patient outcomes and decreased risk of adverse drug events.
  • Better integration of available drug information through provincial digital health assets and other point of care systems including Hospital Information Systems and Electronic Medical Record systems to quickly, securely and efficiently access information to enable the BPMH.
  • Enhanced patient safety and continuity of care.
  • Improved collaboration between health care providers through the sharing of patient clinical information. 

How to Access Information in the Digital Health Drug Repository

The DHDR information is currently accessible through the ClinicalConnect viewer in South West Ontario and the ConnectingOntario Clinical viewer in the Greater Toronto Area and Northern and Eastern Region.

As part of the ministry’s roadmap for the Comprehensive Drug Profile Strategy (CDPS), the DHDR will continue to be enhanced and expanded through integration with other point of care systems such as Hospital Information Systems, Electronic Medical Records and consumer portals.

ConnectingOntario ClinicalViewer

Authorized health care providers in Greater Toronto Area and Northern and Eastern Region can access the DHDR information using ConnectingOntario ClinicalViewer.


Authorized health care providers in South West Ontario can access the DHDR information using ClinicalConnect™.

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