Tip Sheets
Privacy and Security Training

Privacy and Security Training for Health Care Providers Using the Provincial Electronic Health Record
Launch ModuleConnectingOntario ClinicalViewer Training

Module 1: Overview
(11 min, updated September 2020)
Equips health care providers with the information necessary to start using ConnectingOntario ClinicalViewer and is the foundation for all subsequent learning about the ClinicalViewer.

Module 2: Medications Portlet
(14 min, updated May 2023)
Demonstrates the information available in this portlet for Ontarians with an Ontario Health Number from the Digital Health and Drug Repository; its limitations, considerations for use and requirements for overriding consent.
Completion of this module is mandatory.
Launch Module
Module 3: Override a Consent Directive
(12 min, updated November 2023)
Explains the different types of consent directives available to patients and how health care providers can override them.

Module 4: Lab and Pathology Results Portlet
(9 min, updated January 2021)
Describes the components of the portlet, including flowsheets and graphing, as well as the Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS) details displayed.

Module 5: Diagnostic Imaging (DI) Portlet
(9 min, updated January 2021)
Demonstrates how to view the reports and images available from the Diagnostic Imaging Common Service (DI CS); illustrates key points about the information displayed in the portlet.

Module 6: Acute & Community Care Portlets
(6 min, updated January 2021)
Describes the content and unique features of the portlets that display patient/client information available from the Acute and Community Clinical Data Repository (acCDR).

Module 7: Search for a Patient
(5 min, updated November 2019)
Illustrates the use of the search feature to find a patient/client and display the information available in their record

Module 8: Patient Care Tab Overview
(15 min, updated November 2019)
Describes the parts of the Patient Care tab, including the common components of all portlets, and explains how to control the information displayed.