ConnectingOntario ClinicalViewer
For health care organizations
The ConnectingOntario ClinicalViewer is a secure, web-based portal that provides real-time access to digital health records including dispensed medications, laboratory results, hospital visits, Local Health Integration Networks’ (LHIN) Home and Community Care Services, mental health care information, and diagnostic imaging reports and images.
Gives health care providers timely and secure access to comprehensive patient health information including:
Information from hospitals including emergency room reports and discharge summaries from the Acute and Community Care Clinical Data Repository (acCDR).
Lab, microbiology, blood bank, and pathology results from the Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS).
Publicly-funded drugs, pharmacy services and all monitored drugs from the Narcotic Monitoring System (NMS), of which all information comes from the Digital Health Drug Repository (DHDR).
Diagnostic reports and images from the Diagnostic Imaging (DI) Common Service repository.
Data and operations information on LHIN home and community care services, and information from home and community care organizations including referral details, client risks and assessments, and care plans.
- Provides a comprehensive view of a patient’s health journey regardless of where in the province the information was obtained while requiring only one username and login
- Enables health care providers to make faster, more informed care decisions
- Improves workflow and efficiencies at the point of care with a more complete picture of a patient’s health profile, available 24/7
- Reduces duplication of tests and procedures, saving time, system costs, patient discomfort and patient travel

Discover how ConnectingOntario has enriched patient care at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Technical Prerequisites
- ONE ID credential or federated access to login using a Hospital Information System
- Minimum browser and system configuration requirements
Non-Technical Prerequisites
- Must be a health care information custodian (HIC) or authorized to view through a HIC
- Legal agreements
- Privacy and security assessments
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