March 20, 2020
Drug Profile Viewer (DPV) service will remain available after April 2, 2020 until further notice
To support health care providers’ priorities for managing the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Ministry of Health and Ontario Health (Digital Services) are deferring the termination of the DPV service. DPV will continue to be available on the eHealth Portal for authorized DPV users beyond the scheduled termination date of April 2, 2020. Continuing efforts to transition to the Digital Health Drug Repository (DHDR), accessed via the provincial clinical viewers (ClinicalConnect™ or ConnectingOntario ClinicalViewer), is recommended. The DHDR is a more comprehensive information source, having more than seven (7) years of information of publicly funded drugs and pharmacy services, as well as all monitored drugs dispensed in the province regardless of payor. New users should be enrolled to the provincial clinical viewer to enable DHDR access. No new enrolments to DPV are permitted.
The Ministry of Health and Ontario Health (Digital Services) wish to thank Local Registration Authorities (LRAs) and health care organizations for the work thus far in enrolling and transitioning DPV users to the provincial clinical viewers. A new DPV termination date will be announced when determined.
For questions, contact Ontario Health (Digital Services) Service Desk at 1-866-250-1554 or